Fault Reporting

Our user manuals are designed to help you easily resolve many common faults. We suggest taking a quick look at these before reaching out to us. We’re here to help, so if you need further assistance with a fault, please contact our team!

Please note: Uniti Power cannot fix, diagnose or configure third-party IT networks and systems.

Need to log a fault?
Use the web form to report a fault.

Prefer to call?
Our Fault team can assist you with a UPS fault. Please have your model number and serial number available.
0845 561 0560

Prefer to email?
Our Fault team can assist you with a UPS fault. Please email us with your fault (including any fault codes), model number and serial number.


    Affirming our confidence in the Uniti Power UPS technology, we offer an industry-first six-year warranty (*UK Only), when users take advantage of our UPS monitoring services. Following the successful registration of a Uniti Power UPS, users will also benefit from access to extended technical support and UPS monitoring discounts.

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